News & Updates
20 May 2024. Tianhan Huang presented her work "E.coli Leaderless mRNAs initiate through two pathways" at Mid-South Biophysics Symposium.
20 May 2024. Douglas Wright presented a poster "Energy Requirements of CrPV IRES Translocation" at Mid-South Biophysics Symposium
3 May 2024. Zheren Ou is a winner of DBS Biological Sciences' Outstanding Research Award! Congratulations!
17 Apr 2024. AU Students students voted to form a Biophysical Society Chapter at AU. If interested contact Douglas Wright at dsw0041@auburn.edu
23 Mar 2024. Megan Fitzgerald was awarded Auburn University Undergraduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations!
3 Mar 20204. Moumita Dey and Nikta Zafarjafarzadeh joined the lab, staring in Fall 2023. Welcome to the lab and AU graduate program!
6 Oct 2023. Tianhan's paper on conformational dynamics of pretranslocation ribosomes was published in PNAS. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2114979120 Congratulations!
12 August 2023. Join Cell and Molecular Biology Symposium at Auburn on October 13th 2023. Registration deadline is October 1st. Registration and more information at cmbsymposium.auburn.edu
12 August 2023. BIOL4970/7970 Milestone Discoveries in Biology will start in Fall 2023. We will discuss milestone discoveries in biological sciences and how serendipity, persistent experimentation and development of key technologies shaped our understanding of biology. We will also talk about biggest blunders and dead ends of scientific research.
7 June 2023. Zheren's paper on CrPV translocation was published. https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkad476/7191427
12 May 2023. Zheren's paper was accepted to NAR! Congratualtions! Sordarin bound eEF2 unlocks spontaneous forward and reverse translocation on CrPV IRES. Ou Z, Petrov A.
10 May 2023. Douglas Wright joined the lab as a graduate student, starts in the Fall 2023. Welcome to the lab!
5 March 2023. Zheren's paper on mechanism of CrPV IRES translocation is available on BioRxiv. Sordarin bound eEF2 unlocks spontaneous forward and reverse translocation on CrPV IRES. Zheren Ou, Alexey Petrov doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.04.530920
22 February 2023. Zheren presented his poster on mechanism of tRNA translocation "Sordarin bound eEF2 unlocks spontaneous translocation" Ou Z, Petrov A. at the Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego.
22 February 2023. Tianhan presented a poster on mechanism of leaderless translation "Following Translation Initiation of Leaderless mRNAs" at the Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego.
17 January 2023. Brielle presented her poster on development of single-molecule system to study translation initiation "Alternative mechanisms of prokaryotic translation initiation" Sorkin B, Huang T, Petrov A. at UF Scripps Symposium. RNA: From Biology to Drug Discovery.
22 January 2023. Congratulations to Olivia Sawyer, her poster "Dye behavior in high speed single-molecule microscopy" Sawyer O, Huang T, Petrov A, was awarded an honorable mention at the APS 2023 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics.
1 December 2022. Congratulations to Tianhan Huang for passing a qualifying exam!
9 August 2022. Congratulations to Zheren Ou for passing a qualifying exam!
18 March 2022. Zheren gave a short talk at the RNA symposium (University at Albany, SUNY) on mechanism of CrPV IRES translocation. "Sordarin bound eEF2 unlocks spontaneous intersubunit rotation." Ou Z, Petrov A.
18 March 2022. Our collaborators from Gaby Fuchs lab presented development of new single-molecule approaches. "Direct Cell to Single Molecule - A versatile platform for single molecule TIRFM" Selvam S, Tansie S, Pandey J, Petrov A, Fuchs G. RNA symposium (University at Albany, SUNY)
​10 September 2021. Zheren presented initial results on CrPV IRES mediated translation at EMBL Conference: Protein Synthesis and Translational Control. "Sordarin bound eEF2 unlocks spontaneous intersubunit rotation." Ou Z, Petrov A. Short talk/poster
​​​23 March 2021. Congratulations to Tianhan, who presented a poster at Auburn Student Research symposium "Single Molecule Exploration of Spontaneous Ribosomal Rotation" Huang T, Choi J, Prabhakar, Puglisi JD, Petrov A.
16 March 2021. Tianhan presented a poster at RNA Biology Symposium by Natrional Cancer Institute"Partial spontaneous intersubunit rotations in actively translating ribosomes" Huang T, Choi J, Prabhakar, Puglisi JD, Petrov A.
16 March 2021. Our collaborators from Gaby Fuchs lab presented a poster at RNA Biology Symposium by National Cancer Institute "Direct Cell to Single Molecule: A versatile platform to analyze proteins in single-molecule TIRFM." Selvam S, Tansie S, Pandey J, Petrov A, Fuchs G.
4 March 2021. Congratulations to Tianhan Huang who recived a best short talk award at 8th RNA symposium at University at Albany! "Partial spontaneous intersubunit rotations in actively translating ribosomes" Huang Tg, Choi J, Prabhakar, Puglisi JD, Petrov A.
​4 March 2021. Great poster by our collaborators at 8th RNA minisymposium at SUNY Albany."A versatile platform to analyze proteins in single-molecule TIRFM." Selvam S, Tansie S, Pandey J, Petrov A, Fuchs G.